Monday, September 12, 2016

Pre-K Today, College Tomorrow

To My Girl,

Today was such a big day for you...the first day of Pre-K!  Though, you don't know that just yet.  The word "school" is not exactly the most welcome among your vocabulary so, for weeks, if not months, we have been calling your school by name only: Wonderland.  I mean, seriously, what's not to love about a magical school called Wonderland?!

Honey, I just want you to know that I am so very proud of you...
You're out there doing it...playing with your friends, eagerly pursuing new ones and just so excited to experience the life before you!!

There are so many things I want to tell you, but at the same time, I'm at a complete loss for words.  Just yesterday, it seems, I was holding you in my arms while you slept, because it was the only way you could ever go to sleep.
You're my girl, my mama...we've been best girls since the day you were born...You will forever be all of these things for me.

I want you to know how very much I love honored I feel that God has given me a front row seat to your life.

This next chapter you've just begun is a wonderful one, yet a difficult one for me.  No longer will I know your every waking moment, from sun up to sun down...You're off now, and you're on your way...and I know it may seem silly of me to be so nostalgic over just 2 1/2 hours of your day, but I see your big brother, and I know how quickly the time moves.

I'm in awe of you, you know...God has placed a mighty strength within you that is so plain to see.  You're brilliant, you're feisty, you're loving and caring, and so amazing with your crayons and markers and paints (I love your murals in your room!).  You love your brothers and your family and are so passionate about knowing who God is.  I love everything about you, and I pray with all my heart that you will just let the power and strength and love of the Lord wash over you with each breath you take...letting it flow out to others without ever holding back...even when it may make you different from the rest.  Never hold back who God has given you to be...always let yourself be free, and the world will be such a better place for it!

Well, it's time to pick you up from school now.  I cannot wait to hear how your day has been, my sweet and beautiful girl...I love you with all that I am and ever will be...

Congratulations on this new and wonderful chapter of your life.  Daddy and I are so very proud...

Friday, September 9, 2016

About Me

We live in the new world of social media where everyone else's lives seem so perfectly knit together.  

Stepping out into the actual world just might be worse; Attend a classroom party at your child's school, and you'll quickly realize that somehow you really are the only one who can't get it all together.  

This is my life exposed.  

Where it gets real...and messy...and chaotic sometimes.  

Where the kids won't listen and the housework hasn't been done in weeks 
       and where I didn't get to shower...again.  

People need to see the real.  They need to see what parenting and living a Christian life is really like, with all its struggles and imperfections.  

So here I am, exposing my life so, hopefully, you can find the grace and inspiration you need for your own.