Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dirty Kids, Messy Home...Happy Life. Why Letting Go Is The Best Thing You Could Ever Do For Your Family.

Maybe it comes from all those beautiful summers as a child where both days and nights seemed endless,
but every summer since my first was born, I seem to be under some unbroken illusion that I will finally have the time to complete those projects I've been meaning to get to all year long...

You'd think I'd learn after nearly a decade, but ever the optimist,  I've held onto the hope that big things will happen each summer!!

What I'm really starting to realize now is that they are happening...
just not in the way I'd expected.  

Instead of a finally neat home,
                                      I find it's way messier..

Instead of cleaner kids,
                              they are definitely dirtier...

Dinner before 6:30?
                                         Try 7:30...and even 8:30 sometimes!

It would seem I'm moving away from my goals, 
but I've realized I'm closer to them than I ever was before...

See, the house is messier,
                                   the kids stinkier,
                                                         the dinners later,
because I've dropped my plans and let God lead. 
...And He's led me straight to my kids!  

Yeah, we might still be trying to get to that bucket list I wrote about at the start of summer, but we've been places, and we've done things, and we've just enjoyed being together.

I've got a neighbor that is in his 80's.  His wife passed on, and his children live elsewhere, so he lives alone.

Sometimes when life has been especially busy, and I look out the window at his house where he is often lounging on his front porch,
I realize that his home is probably super neat, 
his projects so done
and his dinner promptly eaten,

but I can't help but think how he must long for what I have:
the endless shouts and squeals bouncing off my walls, 
the children a mess from puddle splashing and dirt digging, 
the house a wreck because we are too busy being together, 
the dinner late because we just didn't feel like coming inside yet...

Hopefully one day I'll get the chance to grow old like this man has, and I'm sure my home will be neat and my projects done with me looking for others to do,
but more than anything,
I know I'll be longing for the loudness in my house...
the endless squeals of laughter from my children...
and I just thank God that I've come to understand this now...

...that I've learned to let the plans go and just delight in where the Lord leads, messy house, dirty and unfed kids and all...

Praise be that He gets it right every time...
and thank God that I'm starting to listen and to follow!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl

To my Sweet Baby Girl,

How could I possibly ever explain to you how I see you...

...and how beautiful you are...

So beautiful, in fact, that I have trouble taking my eyes off of you.  

Each day you amaze me, each day you thrill me, each day my heart bursts to the point of overwhelm at the blessed awareness that, out of all the mothers in this entire world, God chose me for YOU.

Through you and your brother, 
I am so aware of what Grace means...
because by it, I am blessed with you both, 
despite who and what I have ever been in my life.

Happy birthday, Sweetheart...I can scarcely believe that you're two...

I love you with all that I am...
...and with every ounce of love 
God has poured through me 
just for your sweet and amazing heart.   

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Double-Chocolate Oreo Cookie Recipe

There's a birthday in the family this week, and I couldn't be any more excited about it!!

It also means that I couldn't be any busier!  

Busy or not though, each member of this family (baby included) has a pretty major sweet tooth that needs some attention...and usually by way of chocolate!!

So what to do when my time and energy needs to be spent elsewhere and not on dessert making?  Here's what my girl and I came up with yesterday, and we couldn't be any more satisfied with its delicious results!!

Double-Chocolate Oreo Cookies:

1 1/2 - 2 c chocolate chips
2-3 tbsp milk
1 package Oreo-type cookies (We use the Who-Nu brand.  They're way healthier & since no one around here can tell the difference, why wouldn't we?!)

If you've got a microwave, this whole process for you just got even easier, but since we do not have one at our house, let's just take the old-fashioned route, shall we?

Dump the chocolate chips into a saucepan, and add the milk.  I eyeballed the amount, but you're going to want just enough milk in there to cover the bottom of the saucepan and help those chocolate chips get to melting!  If you find you've added too much milk, just add more chocolate really can't lose here, if you ask me!  (Update:  This method can be hit or miss and, if you try to add more cold milk, there will be clumping of chocolate.  Likely the easiest method, if you don't have a microwave, is to use a double broiler.) 

Once you have achieved a creamy, smooth texture (also known as liquid gold around here!), remove the saucepan from the stove and get those cookies ready!

Prep your cookie dipping area with aluminum foil/parchment paper underneath a cooling rack.  You'll need something underneath the rack for sure, so you can catch the chocolate drips later (yeah, see if you can refrain from indulging in some of those delightful drips later..I couldn't!)

Next, you simply 

Then place your cookie on the cooling rack.

Once all the cookies have been dipped, place them in the refrigerator (aluminum foil/parchment paper and all) for at least 1 hour, in order to help the chocolate harden.  

These are already a household favorite for me and mine...
...and so simple!!  

It just goes to show you don't need to get all complicated in order to satisfy!   

Make them.
Enjoy them.
And may your sweet tooth be fulfilled!

What about you?  What's your quick and easy sweets recipe that you go to when you don't have time to bake?