Saturday, February 11, 2017

How to Get Your Child to Do Chores

For any parent who has ever tried to get their kids to do chores, you know the struggle that often comes with it.

If you're anything like me, the hassle alone might have been temptation enough to cut them loose from the whole chore thing altogether.  I mean after all, sometimes it's just easier (and more peaceful) to do it ourselves, right?!

I admit, I am guilty of this...
Judge me if you want to, but when we got knee-deep into the holidays this year, there was just no way that I wanted to deal with the aggravation of it all, so liberate them (and myself) I did!

With it now February, I've got my head on as straight as it will go and am ready to fire up those chores once again.  To avoid the debacle that was last time, however, I've come up with a new way to assign chores.

While the kids still have the responsibility of their own rooms to keep clean, I'm trying something a little more outside-the-box for them.

I've selected a handful of chores that desperately need attention around here and have written each down on a piece of paper.

Every Sunday, each kid will be selecting two chores from the bag (yes, that's a Reindeer food bag...I'm hoping that instead of attracting Santa and his sled, we can maybe attract a little cleanliness!)

They will be responsible for their two chores (and their room) for that entire week.

Once the week is done, they can toss those chores back in the bag and select new ones for the week to come!

See, I'm loving this because there is nothing rigid in place.  If they are hating their chore, they just need to persevere through the week before they choose a new one in its place.  Also, I can add or take away chores from the bag at any time.  

So that's it...
...That's the plan around here.

We start tomorrow.
I'm sure there will be complaining, but it wouldn't be our house if there wasn't!

What about you?  What helps your kids stay on task with their chores?  Leave your suggestions in the comments below.

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