Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What To Do With The Kids This Summer

I'll be honest, I didn't exactly knock it out of the park these past couple of summers, when it came to fun and excitement!

Two summers ago, my little girl was born.

A truly amazing and beautiful summer, in its own right, but my exhaustion and postpartum delirium were not exactly a recipe for family fun or stellar activities for my then 7-year old son.

Last summer definitely picked up speed, 
and there was a lot more fun to be had, 
but I admit, I was unprepared!  

In all my summers prior, I was always at the office, and my son was at day camp.  Last summer being my true first as a fully functional stay-at-home mom, I think we were just one week in before I realized I better come up with a plan fast before we all went crazy from heat and boredom!  A plan was had and the fun as well, but it all took place amid a jumbled and disorganized mess!

This year, you better hold on to your hats, kids, 
because I am SO bringin' it...!
I will be ready!
                    I will be savvy,
                                         I will...
                                                   I will....
                                                             Well I will at least have a plan...
Hey, we all know how parenting goes...rarely does it follow the instructions we design for it!

So, I don't know where you all are with your summer plans...Maybe you've already got one in place...or maybe the idea of breaking out the sidewalk chalk again exhausts you..

Either way, check out this list of summer "musts"
& feel free to steal a few ideas to call your very own!


SUMMER PASSPORTS:    I saw this really cool printable over at Brassy Apple that sparked a few flames of inspiration for me.   
So, yes, the brains behind this whole operation are that you make a little booklet at the start of the summer.  In it go drawings (or just a list) of each activity you and your child have decided are "musts" for the summer!  I was thinking of also adding a photo to each passport activity once it's been completed!  A video "how to" can be found at this link, along with a free printable download (for those out there with a printer and ink..we are lacking in this area)!  A totally cute idea, if you ask me...and a great keepsake for when the summer's through!

SUMMER PICTURE CHALLENGE:  Something to go perfectly with your passports above... +Leilani Anderson and her counterpart, Emily, over at Just a Touch of Crazy have come up with a list of 50 picture-taking ideas.  I don't know about you guys, but we are totally taking on this challenge!  And, if you needed a little more motivation to get that camera rolling, if you share your photos with Just a Touch of Crazy, you'll be entered to win a photobook from Shutterfly!  Sounds like a win-win, if you ask me!  Details can be found here!


Ahhh, there's nothing like a dip in the pool on a sweltering day.  

Make it fun with these classic "go-to's": races, who can make the biggest splash, diving for treasure, Marco Polo.

But, may I add something new to your list...:  
The Underwater Wardrobe...From a pile of old clothes, each kid picks out a complete outfit (pants, shirt, socks) and hands them over to the adult running the game.  While their backs are turned away from the pool, the grown-up scatters the clothes all over the pool.  Once the clothes sink (you might want to get them wet first so they sink faster) and the adult says "GO!", the kids all jump in the pool.  Object of the game is to find your clothes, put them on, then swim to the side and climb out.  Whoever is out first wins!  Got older kids?  Have them get dressed only when their heads are under water!  Switch up the rules as you need, but I guarantee this will be a win with your kids!  My mom created this game for my brother and me when we were kids and we loved it!

Great ideas above, but how to keep cool with no pool in sight?!  Dive into a little game of Spongeball instead!

PAINTING: Paint with your feet,  paint with crayons, paint with paintsicles while eating Popsicles (just don't get the two mixed up!), get paint-crazy, I dare say!  And, may I add, now that it's summer, how glad are we that painting can happen outside the house!

NATURE SCAVENGER HUNT:  I think it's genius, I think it's brilliant, I think I can't wait to try it!  Check out the Pinterest printable here.


It's true.  Rain will happen this summer!  

So, while your lawn and flowers are enjoying much needed refreshment, keep your kids busy with these fun ideas:

Balloon Ping-PongA game that’s safe for the kids and the house?  Sign me up!

Rainy Day Doodle GameGreat for all crayon-holding ages!

The Naked Egg I’m baffled by this!  An experimental “must”!


Ahhhh, those summer days...filled with squeals and laughter and ice cream and everything else under that hot ol' sun...
but, pray tell, what about those hot summer nights?  
Trust me, these activities are well worth your kid's extension on their bedtime!

Glow in the Dark Bowling:  Activate 10 glow sticks and place one each (but I also think, more glow sticks=more fun!)  inside 2-liter bottles filled with water, and you've got yourself a party!  As a side-note, I keep hearing mixed things about glow in the dark bubbles.  Some say it works, some say not a chance, but I think we'll give it a go:  crack open a glow stick, pour it into the bubbles and voila!....At least we're hoping so!  Guess the verdict's still out on this one!

Amazing, wonderful, Fairies in a Jar!  I just can't wait to try this.  A little glow stick action, a little glitter and some water and you'll think that Tinker Bell came for a visit!  This'll be perfect for my little girl's birthday!!

S'mores!  Need I say more?  They're gooey, they're delightful, they make summer a knockout all on their own!! If you've got a fire-pit, promise yourself you'll use it at least once for s'mores this summer!
No fire-pit?
Fix your chocolatey delights inside and hurry outdoors to enjoy them with the company of friends and a few good stories!  Nothing wraps up a summer's day quite like this!

What about you guys?  What are the "musts" on your summer lists?  Drop me a line and tell me about it...but be warned, my little posse and I just might tag along!

This post was originally published at on May 21, 2014.

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