May I happily say that the children's book I've been working on for months now is finally complete!
A big WOOOHOOOOO on that one!!!
Mind you, there are changes I already see to make, but for the first round of submissions, I've got to say that I am definitely pleased, incredibly excited, and a little crazy with the "Refresh" button in my email Inbox. Waiting for a reply is enough to make even the most stable go a little crazy...I can't be the only one who's endured the agony of the "Refresh"!!
In the midst of all this waiting, I've definitely kept myself occupied:
The kids are an obvious, but I will insert cute painting picture here:
....and my attempt at pigtails here:
...this was way harder than one might think!
It took a great deal of "running on my knees" coordination to get that get-up going, so I'm pretty proud.
(Note that I do take pics of my Pops as well, but as anyone who knows me would tell you, I tend toward the "don't show the face/who 'dat?!" type pics of my kids, and I don't have any of those handy at the'll get use to it!)
Anyways, I've also hit up a MAJOR reorganization bit on Pinterest. No joke, it took me hours to do, but I've finally got it up and running in a way I think works pretty sweetly! Check it out, and let me know what you think!
But my biggest reason for being here tonight...
...I've decided to come up with a Challenge all of my own!
I see these challenges all the time out there on beloved Google+, and I've decided to give it a go myself... Details to come, but I am planning on a Bible Verse Challenge.
I've gotta be honest...this is not my strong-suit...memorization gets put to the wayside more than I'd care to acknowledge, but I also know how incredibly important it is in my walk with God, SO...
I'm aiming at March 16th for the start date...!
Nothing crazy here...we won't be memorizing entire Books or anything...just a little something to get the ball rolling for me (& hopefully you!) in this department. I'll be doing this no matter what, but I tell ya, I sure would love the company!
So, what I'd like to know is,
Is this something you've felt God calling you to do too?
A step you've been meaning to take but just never seemed to?
Details to follow soon...........!!!

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